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Parvamussium thetidis (Hedley, 1902)

Description: Shell lightweight, translucent, left valve much larger than right valve. Shape nearly circular plus auricles; auricles markedly unequal. Valves weakly inflated. Exterior of left valve with unevenly spaced radial riblets, often scaled, crossed by commarginal lamellae, variable in density from absent to moderately strong. Right valve without radial riblets, but with commarginal lamellae. Interior white, with 8-10 strong, widely spaced radial ribs. Shell colour white.

Size: Up to 10 mm in height.

Distribution: Western Pacific Ocean. In Australia, known from the entire coastline except for the Great Australian Bight.

Habitat: Subtidal. Live specimens are known from 110-1161 m in Australia. Common.

Synonymy: Amussium cristatellum Dautzenberg & Bavay, 1906 and Ctenamusium salacom Iredale, 1929 are previously recognised synonyms.

Fig. 1: North east of Cape Moreton, Qld, 115-124 m (C.338169, specimens 1 and 2).

Fig. 2: North east of Cape Moreton, Qld, 115-124 m (C.338169, specimen 1 (interior and exterior)).


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