Glossaulax didyma (Roding 1798) Description: Whorls rounded, with a broad groove below the suture; sculptured with fine spiral striae and oblique axial growth lines. Columella callus reflected to cover part of the umbilicus; deep transverse groove bisecting the callus. Colour fawn, grey or light violet, callus dark brown. Operculum corneous. Size: Up to 60 mm in length. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific; in Australia, from north-western Australia to central Victoria and northern Tasmania. Habitat: Sand flats; not common live intertidally, but common as a beach shell. Synonyms: Polinices aulacoglossa (Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1908); Polinices ephebus Hedley, 1915, which is known only from the type lot, is probably an unusually elongate form of this species. Figs. 1,2: Broulee Beach, NSW (C.075536)
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