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Chlamydella favus (Hedley, 1902)

Description: Shell minute, lightweight, left valve much larger than right valve (Fig. 2). Shape circular plus auricles; auricles nearly equal in size. Valves well inflated. Exterior of left valve smooth apart from a few commarginal growth lines and weak radial riblets marginally. Right valve superficially smooth, but with delicate reticulate surface under high magnification; byssal notch deep. Interior smooth. Shell colourless translucent or transparent.

Size: Up to 3 mm in height.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. In Australia, from Lizard Island, Qld, southwards and around southern Australia, to Brooms, WA, including Tas.

Habitat: Lives in the littoral zone and down to 200 m among algae. Very common.

Synonymy: Cyclopecten obliquus Hedley, 1902 is a previously recognised synonym, based on specimens with a more oblique shape and prominent commarginal growth lines.

Remarks: In Fig. 1, the reticulate sculpture visible on the interior of the right shell valve is that present on the exterior of the shell.

Fig. 1: 6 km east of Mistral Point, Sydney, in 61 m depth (C.337192).

Fig. 2: Bottle & Glass Rocks, Sydney Harbour, 9 m depth (C.337177).


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