remensa (Iredale,
Spire whorls sculptured with two rows of strong nodules at the
periphery, with a weaker row between; body whorl with one or two
additional weak rows below the periphery. Nodules lie in axial rows
forming axial ribs on some specimens. Whole surface covered with fine
spiral riblets. Most shells distorted by a bulge in the penultimate
whorl. Outer lip with six strong denticles, larger at the posterior end;
columella with a strong tooth posteriorly, and 2 or 3 elongate denticles
anteriorly. Columella callus produced, standing free of columella in
mature shells. Anterior canal moderately long, upturned. Colour cream or
fawn, body whorl nodules white. Operculum oval.
Up to 40 mm in length.
Known from eastern Australia, northern New Zealand, and from deep sea
dredging around New Caledonia, Vanuatu and in the Coral Sea. In
Australia, from Swain Reefs, Qld, to Montague Is., NSW.
Recorded from 100-600 m. Uncommon.
Similar to Sassia parkinsonia and Sassia garrardi,
but distinguished by the two rows of nodules on the periphery, compared
with the single row in both those species.
The species had previously been considered a subspecies of Sassia
apenninica (Sassi), but Beu (1998), informed by the large number of
specimens recently obtained from the Coral Sea, Vanuatu and New
Caledonia, now regards it as a distinct species.
Figs. 1,2: Off Beacon Reef, Swain Reefs, Queensland, in 234 m