parkinsonia (Perry,
Shoulder of whorls bear 3 to 5 axially elongate nodules between each
varix. Whole shell sculptured with fine, dense, granulose spiral
riblets. Outer lip thickened, interior bearing five teeth in mature
shells, the anterior one bifid. Columellar callus extends well beyond
the aperture, smooth except for a tooth posteriorly and sometimes a pair
of weak teeth anteriorly. Anterior canal open, slightly upturned. Colour
cream to brown, the spiral riblets alternating white and brown. Shell
covered with a thin brown periostracum when alive. Interior white.
Operculum oval.
Up to 50 mm in length.
Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, from Caloundra, Qld, to
Portland, Vic.
Occurs under stones on rocky shores intertidally and down to 140 m;
uncommon intertidally, more common subtidally. (Coleman, 1975).
Moderately common.
Austrotriton basilicus Iredale, 1924 is based on an elongate form
from 50-70 fathoms off Green Cape, NSW.
Figs. 1,2: Sydney Harbour, NSW (DLB1980)