tabulata (Menke,
Shell sculptured with 7 to 10 strong, paired spiral ribs with weaker
intermediate riblets, and nodules on the shoulder. Outer lip expanded,
thickened, with external sculpture continuing onto the ventral lip
surface; lip toothed internally. Columella smooth, umbilicus open.
Colour yellow-brown, covered with a brown periostracum. Operculum oval.
Up to 130 mm, typically 40-80 mm in length.
Twofold Bay, NSW to Cockburn Sound, WA. Also known from the Kermadec
Intertidally on exposed rocky shores among solitary ascidians (Ludbrook
1984); subtidally, on muddy rubble (Coleman 1975), down to 100 meters.
Rare in NSW, common in SA.
Living specimens can be separated from C. spengleri by the
periostracum; hairy in this species, smooth in C. spengleri.
Coloration of C. tabulata is uniform, whereas C. spengleri
shows fawn ribs and darker brown interspaces.
This has been known in Australian literature as Triton waterhousei Adams and Angas,
1864, but Menke's name has priority. Iredale provided the
names Cymatium waterhousei frigidula Iredale, 1929 for the NSW
form, on the basis of it being narrower than the typical southern
Australian form, and Cabestana waterhousei tepida Iredale, 1936
for a relatively broad subfossil shell dredged from Sydney Harbour.
1,2: Off twofold Bay, NSW, in 91 m (C.071182)