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Pecten fumatus Reeve, 1852        Australian Commercial Scallop

Description: Shape almost circular, plus almost equal sized auricles; left valve flat, dorsally slightly concave, right valve strongly convex. Exterior with 15-18 strong radial ribs, wide and flattened on right valve, narrower on left valve. Interior white with dark margin that is variable in width; exterior ribs showing through. Hinge line long, straight, with 2 pairs of elongate teeth. Shell colour variable: white, pink or red-brown.

Size: Up to 150 mm in height.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Keppel Bay and Swain Reefs, Qld, southwards and around southern Australia, to North West Cape, WA, including Tas. (Dijkstra & Beu, 2018).

Habitat: Lives unattached on sand and mud, partially buried with flat (left) valve flush with the sediment-water interface in shallow waters (Dijkstra & Beu, 2018).

Synonymy: Pecten meridionalis Tate, 1887 is a shell form which was described as larger and less inflated than P. fumatus. Pecten alba Tate, 1887 is another shell form from Port Lincoln, SA.

Remarks: This is the Australian Commercial Scallop, which is fished commercially in Tas and Vic.

Fig. 1: 2 km east of Long Bay, Sydney (C.103642)


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