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Mesopeplum fenestratum (Hedley, 1901)       Carol’s Scallop

Description: Shape almost circular, plus almost equal sized auricles. Both valves inflated, left valve less inflated than right. Exterior: left valve with 5 major radial folds, the central 3 stronger, each bearing 2-5 secondaries; further secondary riblets present between major folds; right valve with 5 major folds, wider than those on left valve, each bearing 2-5 secondaries, further secondary riblets between major folds. Interior white, with purple region near umbo of left valve; major exterior folds showing through. Hinge line long, straight, with several elongate teeth. Shell colour of left valve pink on major folds and secondary riblets; right valve white.

Size: Up to 55 mm high.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Capricorn Channel, Qld, southwards and around southern Australia, to North West Cape, WA, including Tas.

Habitat: Lives unattached among rubble on sand and mud; known from 27-256 m depth (Dijkstra & Beu, 2018).

Synonymy: Mesopeplum caroli Iredale, 1929 is a synonym.

Fig. 1: Port Stephens, NSW (C.097681)


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