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Lucinoma euclia (Cotton & Godfrey, 1938)

Description: A largish, thick-shelled lucinid. Shape almost circular, moderately inflated, umbo low, on midline; lunule long and narrow, slightly sunken; anterior dorsal margin straight, anterior and ventral margins smoothly rounded, posterior margin truncate. Exterior with widely but irregularly spaced lamellate ridges, no radial sculpture. Interior smooth, posterior muscle scar roughly elliptical, anterior very elongate and narrow; pallial line continuous; margin outside pallial line weakly lined. Hinge (Fig. 2) with 2 cardinal teeth and a single small anterior lateral but no posterior lateral in each valve. Ligament external, long. Shell colour white, with pale brown periostracum.

Size: Up to 46 mm in length.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: specimens seen from Sydney, NSW, southwards to Great Australian Bight.

Habitat: Subtidal, 79-860 m depth. Uncommon.

Comparison: This is an uncommon, deepwater species with strong, concentric lamellate ridges and no radial sculpture.

Fig. 1: 33 miles SE of Green Cape, NSW, in 860 m (C.047705)

Fig. 2: 25 miles east of Twofold Bay, NSW, in 294-304 m depth (C.082939)


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