consimilis Garrard,
Protoconch of one and a half whorls, set at 45 degrees to the shell
axis. Whorls with about 10 axial folds with spiral ribs present both on
and between the folds; three primaries per whorl forming elongate
nodules at intersection of axial folds; 3-5 finer threads between
primaries. Anterior canal long, aperture slightly more than half shell
length. Outer lip simple, smooth internally. Columella smooth; posterior
canal weakly defined, parietal nodule absent. Colour fawn with major
spiral ribs light brown on folds, dark brown between; aperture white.
Covered with a thin straw-coloured periostracum when alive.
Up to 44 mm in length.
Endemic to Australia: Lady Elliott Is., Qld, to Wollongong, NSW.
Taken in 130-439 m, most commonly above 250 m. Moderately common.
Fig. 1: Off Cape Moreton, Queensland, in 146-183 m (C.106298)