undulatus (Perry,
Shell light to medium in weight, whorls rounded or weakly angled. Whorls
with 11-15 axial folds, sometimes obsolete on body whorl. Spiral
sculpture of widely spaced ribs, sometimes with secondary threads
between, overriding axial folds. Outer lip simple, external sculpture
showing through; columella smooth, thinly glazed. Anterior canal long,
slightly recurved. Colour uniformly fawn, occasionally with the axial
folds darker brown; interior white, covered with a brown periostracum
when alive.
Up to 102 mm in length.
Endemic to Australia; Broken Bay, NSW, to Esperance, WA.
In Victoria and Tasmania the species occurs in the low intertidal zone,
but in NSW it is known from 37-220 m. Divers have taken living specimens
near underwater reefs in 20-40 m.
This species is very variable in form and sculpture. Fusinus
pyrulatus (Reeve, 1847) was applied to a large, inflated form, and Propefusus
compositis Mayblom, 1951 was used for a form described as small,
thin and elongate with a very long canal.
Figs. 1,2: Eden, NSW, in 37 m (C.086572)