Ringicula doliaris Gould, 1860 Description: Shell squat, solid, strongly sculptured, spire elevated. Teleoconch of 4 regularly convex whorls, polished, either smooth, or with a few widely spaced spirals grooves (form doliaris, Fig. 1), or with numerous spiral grooves and cords (form denticulata, Fig. 2). Aperture moderately wide; outer lip thickened internally, with strong varix externally; inner lip with callus on parietal wall with ridge or tooth at top third, columella with 2 very strong plaits. Colour white. Size: Up to 6 mm in length. Distribution: Unknown, but occurs on all of the NSW coast. Habitat: Lives in the intertidal zone and down to 100 m, where it burrows in sand and feeds on small organisms. Common in beach washup in bays and estuaries. Remarks:
Shells fitting this description occur from A photo of the live animal is on The Sea Slug Forum at http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/ringdoli Fig. 1:
Fig. 2:
Off Sow and Pigs Reef, Port |
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