Sixty-one species of Pyramidellidae are treated
here, which, with the additional species listed below, comprise the named
species recorded from NSW. Judging by the collections of the Australian
Museum, there is about a similar number of unnamed species in NSW. The
named species are the most common and recognisable taxa while those yet
to be named are the smaller and less common species, often represented
in the Australian Museum collection by just a few specimens of each.
More species so far known from the adjoining states of Victoria and
Queensland will no doubt be found in NSW with further collecting.
The following six species have been recorded from NSW
but have not been treated in detail here:
Pyrgiscus pinguis Laseron, 1951
The specimens sorted as this species in the
Australian Museum collection do not match Laseron's figure. The type
specimen is lost, making identification difficult.
Rugadentia doliae Laseron, 1951
This is known only from the syntypes, one of which
is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Between Sydney Heads, in 15 fathoms (27 m).
SYNTYPE. (Photo Australian Museum).
Syrnola macrocephala Hedley, 1903
This is known only from the holotype, shown in Fig.
Fig. 2.: 63-75 fathoms (115–137 m) off Port Kembla,
NSW (C.16336 HOLOTYPE). (Photo Australian Museum)
Rissosyrnola aclis (A. Adams, 1853)
This is a tropical Indo-West Pacific species. In
Australia it is known from Qld, northern WA, and from two specimens from
Sydney Harbour, which may be fossil.
Odostomia deplexa (Tate & May, 1900)
First described from Tasmania, this species has a
southern Australian distribution. The Australian Museum holds 4 lots
identified as this species from NSW, but they were on loan and not
available for photography. The species was listed as occurring in
NSW by Jansen (1999), but it had not been included in the NSW
fauna by Laseron (1951).
Pseudorissoina elegans Hedley, 1905
This is known only from the holotype (Fig. 3) and
Fig. 3: 12.5 miles (20 km) off Cape Byron, NSW, in
110 fathoms (201 m) (C.19907 HOLOTYPE). (Photo Australian Museum).