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Veprichlamys perillustris (Iredale, 1925)

Description: Shell lightweight. Shape prosocline, higher than wide, elongate-ovate plus auricles. Byssal notch below auricle of right valve. Both valves moderately inflated. Exterior of both valves sculptured with about 20 strong, scaley, radial ribs, interspaces appear smooth without magnification, but with magnification fine radial threads are seen to be present; auricles radially ribbed. Interior with exterior sculpture showing through, white. Hinge line long, straight, with several elongate teeth. Shell colour white or fawn, radial ribs sometimes darker.

Size: Up to 37 mm high.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Sydney, NSW, southwards and around southern Australia, to Cape Adieu, central Great Australian Bight, including Tas.

Habitat: Subtidal, 79-1000 m. Moderately common.

Comparison: See Pseudamussium challengeri.

Fig. 1: South of Gabo Is. Vic in 365 m (C.154683)


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