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Semipallium aktinos (Petterd, 1886)

Description: Shape: Higher than wide, moderately prosocline, moderately inflated, valves almost equal in convexity, anterior auricle large, posterior very small. Byssal notch below auricle of right valve. Exterior of both valves with primary, secondary and tertiary radial ribs, up to 60-80 in total at the ventral margin; interspaces with fine mesh-like (shagreen) microsculpture (Fig. 2). Auricles strongly ridged. Interior with external sculpture showing through, white. Hinge line long, straight, with elongate teeth. Shell colour variable, yellow, purple, pink, reddish-brown.

Size: Up to 50 mm in height.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Capricorn Channel, Qld, southwards and around southern Australia, to off Dongara, south-western WA, including Tas.

Habitat: Known from intertidal to 120 m depth.

Comparison: This species is readily identified by the very small posterior auricle and the distinctive shagreen microsculpture.

Synonymy: The specific name of this species has been misspelt as atkinos by several authors.

Fig. 1: Port Stanvac, South Australia (C.303773, specimen 1)

Fig. 2: Shagreen sculpture. Port Stanvac, South Australia (C.303773, specimen 2)


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