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Above: In a gastropod, towards the
posterior end.
Adpressed: Joined by overlapping; the opposite to impressed. Anal canal: A canal, normally open, at the upper (or posterior) end of the gastropod aperture, through which solid waste matter is voided. Ancillid groove: A spiral groove below the centre of the body whorl on ancillid shells. Angulation: Formed from corners; angled. Anterior: At or towards the front or head end of a shell. Anterior canal: An open or closed tubular shell extension at the anterior end of a shell, through which the siphon is extended. Same as siphonal canal Aperture: The major opening of a gastropod shell. Aperture entire: Uninterrupted; without an anterior notch. Apex: The tip of the spire. Apical whorls: Those whorls near the apex. Axial: Pertaining to or more or less parallel to the axis of coiling of a gastropod shell. Axial sculpture: Sculpture running parallel to the axis in a gastropod shell. Axis: An imaginary line through the apex of a gastropod shell, about which the whorls are coiled. Basal: Pertaining to the base. Basal margin: In a gastropod shell, the angled portion of the body whorl separating the base from the remainder of the whorl. Base: In coiled gastropods, the zone below the periphery of the body whorl. Bead: A small, more or less hemispherical protuberance resembling a bead. Beads are smaller than nodules. Beaded: Sculptured so as to resemble beads, or strings of beads. Below: In a gastropod, situated more towards the anterior end. Benthic: Living on the seabed Bifid: Having two parts. Body whorl: The most recently formed whorl of a gastropod shell, terminating in the aperture. Bottom: In a gastropod shell, the anterior end. Calcareous: Made of, or mostly, calcium carbonate. Callus: Calcareous thickening Canaliculate: Prominently grooved; channelled. Cancellate: A sculpture produced by axial ribs crossed by spiral ribs of about the same size and spacing, giving a lattice-like appearance. Latticed. Carinate: DONT USE. Use 'keeled' Columella: A pillar surrounding the axis around which the shell is coiled, formed by the inner surface of the whorls. The wall opposite the outer apertural lip. Columellar: Pertaining to the columella. Columellar deck: In nerites, the area on the ventral surface of the shell covered by the columellar callus. Columellar pillar: The lower end of the columella, particularly in ancillid shells. Columellar shield: A plate of callus, most evident in the family Cassidae, extending from the columella onto the ventral shell surface. Concentric: DONT USE. Use 'spiral' Congeneric: In the same genus. Conspecific: The same species. Cord: DONT USE. Use rib, riblet or thread. Corneous: Made of horny material. Coronate: With tubercules or nodules around the shoulders of the whorls Crenulate: Having a regularly notched or scalloped edge. Decollate: With the apex broken off. Denticle: A small tooth-like projection. Denticulate: Toothed. Dextral: Coiled with a right hand spiral. i.e. clockwise when viewed from the apex. Dorsal: Of, pertaining to, or situated on the back or upper surface; in a gastropod shell, opposite the aperture. Opposite to ventral. Dorsum: The dorsal surface of a shell. Endemic: Peculiar to a region Entire: Continuous; having no breaks. When applied to the aperture of a gastropod, the aperture in not interrupted by an anterior or posterior canal. Eroded: Worn away. Fasciolar band: Fasciole False umbilicus: An umbilicus-like opening found in some gastropods, but not the true umbilicus. Fasciole: A raised spiral band near the anterior end of some gastropod shells, formed by successive edges of the anterior canal. Fenestrate: Literally, windowed; having a sculpture of crossed axial and spiral ribs or riblets, forming rectangular pits as in a multi-pane window. Flaring: Opening or spreading outwards; said especially of the outer lip of the aperture. Fold: A major constriction or gathering of the shell surface. Foliaceous: With thin, leaf-like lamellae. Foot: The muscular ventral part of the gastropod body used for locomotion. Fossula: A pit or depression on the anterior part of the inner lip. Frond: A foliaceous, leaf-like extension of a sculptural element, as on a varical spine Funicle: Spiral ridge running into the umbilicus. Fusiform: Spindle shaped; swollen at the centre and tapering almost equally towards the ends. Granulose: Grainy or finely pustulose; covered with granules. Growth line: More or less axial line representing former resting position of the outer lip. Height: Distance from the apex to the anterior tip of a gastropod shell. Also called length. Heterostrophic: The protoconch coils in a different direction to the rest of the shell; usually applies to the protoconch coiling sinistrally and the teleoconch dextrally. Holotype: The single specimen designated as the type by the original author of a species name at the time of the original description. Homonym: One of two or more identical but independently proposed names for different species, genera or taxa. Imbricated: With scales overlapping each other like roof tiles. Impressed: Joined by forming a groove; opposite to adpressed. Inner lip: The lip of the aperture closest to the axis of coiling of a gastropod shell. (Not the inside of the outer lip). Intertidal: Living between high and low tide levels. Intervarical: Between the varices. Keel: A sharply raised ridge, with parallel sides, as in the keel of a ship. Lamella: (Pl. lamellae). A thin plate or scale, more or less erect. See also scales. Latticed: Having a sculpture of crossed axial and spital ribs or riblets, not necessarily at right angles. Lira: (Pl. lirae). A ridge on the shell surface within the aperture of a gastropod shell. Lirate: With lirae. Liration: DONT USE. USE Lirae. Littoral: The zone of the shore between high and low tide levels. Maculate: Patterned with regular or irregular patches. ie with maculations. Mantle: The thin skin-like organ which covers the body mass of molluscs and contains the shell-secreting glands. Mantle line: The line on the dorsal surface of a cowry shell where the mantle lobes meet. Nacreous: With a layer of nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Nodule: A rounded protuberance; larger than a bead. Nodulose: Bearing rounded protuberances. Oblique: Slanting; inclined from the horizontal or vertical. Obsolete: Slight, barely apparent. Operculum: The corneous or calcareous structure attached to the posterior end of the foot of many gastropod shells that closes the aperture when the animal withdraws into the shell. Opisthocline: Refers to the slope of the outer lip of a gastropod shell sloping backwards in relation to the direction of shell growth. Orthocline: Refers to the slope of the outer lip of a gastropod shell being parallel to the shell axis, not sloping forward (prosocline) or backwards (opisthocline). Outer lip: The lip of the aperture of a gastropod shell furthest from the shell axis. The outer lip itself has inner and outer surfaces. Papillate: Teat-like Paratype: A specimen other than the holotype which was seen and designated by the author at the time of the original description of a species or subspecies. Parietal: Pertaining to the parietal region. Parietal shield: A calloused area found in some gastropod shells, covering the parietal wall. Parietal wall: the region of a gastropod shell that extends from the columella around the top of the aperture to the outer lip. Pelagic: Living on the surface of the sea or in the water column; opposite to benthic. Penultimate: Second last. Periostracum: Outer layers of horny material covering the calcareous shell. May be thin and transparent or thick, fibrous or hairy. Periphery: The part of a gastropod shell farthest from the axis of coiling. Peristome: The lips or margin of the aperture of a gastropod shell. Plait: Spiral fold or ridge on the columella. Plica. Planispiral: Coiled in a single plane. Planktonic: Drifting or weakly swimming in the ocean. Planktotrophic: Refers to planktonic larval development where the larvae feeds on micro-organisms and development time in the plankton is long. Plica: (pl. plicae). A columellar fold. Plicate: Folded or twisted; having plicae. Porcellaineous: Polished; surface and texture as in porcelain. Posterior: The tail end of an animal; in a gastropod shell, towards the apex . Posterior canal: Anal canal. Preoccupied: refers to a name which cannot because it was used for another taxon, or was not validly introduced.. Primary: Of the first order; most dominant or conspicuous. Proboscis: An extensible snout, usually with the mouth at its end. Produced: Drawn out; elongated; extended. Prosocline: Referring to the outer lip of a gastropod shell, leaning forward in relation to the direction of growth. Protoconch: Embryonic shell, present in the adult as the apical or nuclear whorls and often demarcated from the teleoconch whorls by a change of sculpture. Punctate: Minutely pitted. Pustulose: With pimple-like or blister-like swellings Recurved: With the end bent away from the shell axis. Reflected: Turned outwards and backwards. Reticulate: Lines, riblets, threads or grooves crossing each other like a net. Rib: An elongate sculptural element of a shell, raised above the surrounding surface. A fine rib is a riblet, and a very fine rib is a thread. Riblet: A small rib, but coarser than a thread. Rugose: Rough; covered with wrinkles, folds or creases. Scabrous: Covered with scales Scale: Thin plate-like structures, more or less parallel to the shell surface, as in fish scales. Secondary: Of the second order; less dominant or conspicuous than primary structures. Serrate: Notched or toothed at the edge like a saw. Shoulder: The region of each whorl of a gastropod shell showing a sharper angulation or greater convexity than the rest of the whorl. Shouldered: Having a shoulder. Sinistral: Coiled in a left-handed spiral. i.e. anticlockwise when viewed from the apex. Sinuate: Curved in and out; wavy; tortuous. Sinus: A deep indentation or cavity Siphonal canal: An open or closed tubular shell extension at the anterior end of a shell through which the siphon is extended. Same as anterior canal. Spatula: Spoon-shaped area at the centre of the interior of a limpet shell. Spicule: A small, slender, needle-like spine. Spinose: Bearing many spines. Spiral sculpture: Sculpture following the helical growth of a gastropod shell. Spire: All whorls of a spiral shell exclusive of the body whorl. Stria: (Pl. striae). Narrow and shallow incised groove. Striate: Marked with striae. Subfossil: A fossil that is younger than what would be considered typical fossil age. i.e. preserved since about 10,000 years ago, but not strictly recent or present day. Sublittoral: Below low tide level. Subspecies: A geographically defined group of populations comprising individuals which possess characteristics distinguishing them from other such subdivisions of the species. Substrate: The material of the sea bed. Subsutural: Below (i.e. anterior to) the suture. Suture: The continuous spiral line of junction of whorls of a gastropod shell. Sympatric: ??????? Synonym: Each of two or more different names for the same species or other taxon. Syntype: One of several type specimens where none has been designated as a holotype. Teleoconch: All the whorls of a gastropod shell after the protoconch. Tertiary: Of the third order; generally used for minor sculptural elements. Thread: A very fine sculptural element of a shell, raised above the surrounding surface. Finer than a rib. Top: In a gastropod shell, the posterior end. Truncate: Cut off at the end, blunt. Turreted: With the spire whorls like a succession of turrets, emerging one above the other. Type locality: Locality at which the type specimen was collected. Umbilicus: Cavity or hollow around the axis of a gastropod shell, formed when the inner walls of successive whorls do not meet. Varical: Pertaining to a varix. Varix: (Pl. varices). A thickened axial ridge in a gastropod shell, formed by thickening of the outer lip at a resting stage in the growth of the shell. Ventral: Of, pertaining to, or situated on, the lower side of a dorsiventral organism; on the apertural surface of a gastropod shell. Opposite to dorsal. Whorl: A single, complete turn of 360º in the spiral growth of a gastropod shell.