Only one species of heteropod, Atlanta peronii,
is treated in detail here.
The following species were found by Newman (1990) to
occur rarely and erratically in waters off eastern NSW. She gives
distribution maps and figures of shells for some of them.
Family Atlantidae
Atlanta keraudreni (Lesueur, 1817)
Protatlanta souleyeti (E.A. Smith, 1885)
Atlanta peronii Lesueur, 1817
Atlanta gaudichaudi J.E. Gray, 1850
Atlanta helicinoidea J.E. Gray, 1850
Atlanta inflata J.E. Gray, 1850
Atlanta turriculata d'Orbigny, 1836
Atlanta inclinata J.E. Gray, 1850
Atlanta meteori Richter, 1972
Family Carinariidae
Carinaria cristata (Linnaeus, 1767)
Carinaria galea Benson, 1835
Carinaria cithara Benson, 1835
Pterosoma planum (Lesson, 1827)
Cardiapoda placenta (Lesson, 1837)
Family Pterotracheidae
Pterotrachea coronata (Forsskål in
Niebuhr, 1775)
Pterotrachea hippocampus Philippi, 1836
Pterotrachea scutata Gegenbauer, 1855
Firaloida desmarestia Ledueur, 1817
The following species of Atlantidae are each
represented by a few empty shells or shell fragments in the Australian
Museum dry shell collection. The localities represent medium and deep
water dredge samples, in most cases well outside the known living depth
range of the animals.
Atlanta peronii Lesueur, 1817 Cronulla,
beach washup; dredged 16 miles east of Wollongong, 183 m
Atlanta inclinata J.E. Gray, 1850 Dredged
22 miles east of Narrabeen, 146 m; 35 miles east of Sydney, 1463 m
Atlanta brunnea J.E. Gray, 1850 Dredged 22
miles east of Narrabeen, 146 m; 35 miles east of Sydney, 1463 m
Atlanta inflata Souleyet, 1852, Off Port
Kembla, NSW, 115-137 m; 35 miles east of Sydney, 1463 m
Atlanta turriculata d'Orbigny, 1836 Off
Port Kembla, NSW, 115-137 m; Cape Three points, NSW in 75-91 m
Atlanta rosea J.E. Gray, 1850, Off Port
Kembla, NSW, 115-137 m; Cape Three points, NSW in 75-91 m
Atlanta keraudreni (Lesueur, 1817), 9
lots. Eg Dredged 22 miles east of Narrabeen, 146 m