patula Adams &
Angas, 1863
Shell low, width about equal to height, aperture two-thirds of total
height. Whorls rounded, sculptured with about five low, broad spiral
ribs. Base rounded, more weakly ribbed than body whorl. Aperture large,
outer lip simple; columella and aperture smooth. Umbilicus open, closed
to variable degree by columella callus. Shell usually eroded; exterior
colour white or brown. Interior white to grey, slightly nacreous.
Up to 5 mm high, 5 mm wide.
Endemic to Australia; Newcastle, NSW, to eastern Vic.
Lives around the middle of the intertidal zone on rocky shores,
sheltering in crevices and among barnacles.
Fossarina brazieri Angas, 1871
Fossarina legrandi Petterd, 1879 is a species of similar size and
shape, known from Twofold Bay, NSW, to south-western WA. It is
distinguished from F. patula by lacking the spiral ribs, having a
smooth surface boldly marked with black or brown and white, and sometimes
having an golden iridescent sheen.
1,2: Middle Harbour, NSW (C.006482)