Tenison-Woods, 1879
Whorls strongly shouldered just below suture, straight sided below
angle. Sculptured with spiral rows of beads, variable in size from row
to row, the upper row usually larger; 4-6 rows on penultimate whorl.
Body whorl keeled with a beaded rib, 6-8 rows of beads above keel, 7-8
rows on base; base flat. Umbilicus open but shallow, umbilical margin
smooth or weakly denticulate. Columella with a large tooth at upper
quarter and another at lower quarter, with several weaker teeth below.
Inside of outer lip lirate internally in mature shells. Colour white or
fawn with beads in some rows alternating white and pink, especially on
Up to 10 mm high.
Endemic to Australia; Sydney, NSW, to eastern Vic.
Subtidal, down to 143 m. Uncommon.
This species is probably conspecific with the shell described from SA as
Clanculus philippi Koch, 1843 and that described from Victoria as
Clanculus aloysii Tenison-Woods 1876. These are darker in colour
with coarser sculpture than the NSW shell, but may be southern and
western forms of a single species.
Figs. 1,2:
Off Botany Bay, NSW, in 82 m (C.349852)