velesiana Iredale, 1936
Description: Shell lightweight, with rounded whorls and an inflated body whorl.
Sculptured with very fine, irregular spiral lines crossed by fine axial
growth striae. Outer lip
thin, simple. Early spire
whorls white; later whorls with a white band below the suture and
remainder of whorl with a brown glaze, which extends to just in front of
the aperture; body whorl with a wide, white glazed band below suture.
Delimiting fasciolar groove at bottom quarter of body whorl, with
fasciolar band below; this
band in two parts with a central dividing ridge, the upper part dark
brown and the lower usually lighter brown or fawn.
Columella white, smooth.
Up to 98 mm.
Distribution: Endemic to
; central
to Sydney, NSW.
Trawled in 18-70 metres.
Similar to Ancillista
cingulata (Sowerby, 1830), which occurs in western and northern
, at least as far east
Torres Strait
A. velesiana differs
from A.
cingulata in two characters. There is a brown glaze on the spire,
absent in A. cingulata, and
the brown coloration on the anterior of the body whorl is
restricted to below the delimiting fasciolar groove, but extends above
it in A. cingulata.
Figs. 1,2: Off Tweed heads, NSW (C.063163)