Alaginella geminata (Hedley, 1912) Diagnosis: Shell small in size, colourless transparent to opaque white, strongly narrowed anteriorly; spire medium height; aperture moderately narrow, constant width throughout; lip moderately thickened internally, with about 10 denticles, these stronger centrally; lip slightly flared posteriorly; external varix present; posterior notch weak; columella with four strong plaits occupying slightly more than half the aperture. Size: Up to 6 mm in length Distribution: Australian
Museum Collection: Fraser
Is., Comparison: Distinctive within the genus because of its coarsely denticulate outer lip. Synonymy: Marginella weedingi Cotton, 1944 is a synonym. It was described as being larger and narrower than typical specimens (Hewish in Wilson, 1994). Figs. 1,2: HOLOTYPE; 16 miles east of Wollongong, NSW, in 100 fathoms (183 m) (C.018007)
Copyright Des Beechey 2003