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Nevenulora hilaira (Hedley, 1917) Description: A small-sized, thick-shelled lucinid. Shape subovate, height equal to width, umbo behind mid-line, lunule shallow. Exterior with weak, close, irregularly spaced, concentric ridges and faint, dense radial threads. Interior white, margin weakly irregularly lirate; posterior muscle scar oval, anterior muscle scar elongate; pallial line continuous. Hinge strong, with 2 cardinal teeth; left valve with 1 anterior lateral tooth plus and 1 posterior lateral tooth; right valve with lateral teeth indistinct. Ligament internal, with long, narrow attachment area. Shell colour white. Periostracum smooth, mid brown. Size: Up to 22 mm in height. Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Fraser Island, Qld, southwards to Ulladulla, NSW. Habitat: Found in sand in harbours and off ocean beaches, down to 60 m depth. Most available specimens are from beach washup. Comparison: This species has weak commarginal sculpture and even weaker radial threads and the umbo is posterior to the midline. Fig. 1: Sydney Harbour, dredge Triton (C.357516) |
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