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Codakia rugifera (Reeve, 1835)

Description: A large, thick-shelled lucinid. Shape nearly circular, umbo central, lunule small yet deep. Exterior with close, irregularly spaced commarginal ridges crossed by dense radials forming weak nodules at intersections. Interior white, with weak, irregular radial folds; margin weakly lirate; posterior muscle scar rounded, anterior muscle scar elongate. Hinge strong, with 2 cardinal teeth in each valve. Left valve with 1 large anterior lateral and 2 smaller posterior laterals; right valve with a small anterior lateral and a small posterior lateral. Ligament long, internal. Shell colour white.

Size: Up to 65 mm high.

Distribution: Endemic to Australia: Kingscliff, NSW, southwards to Mallacoota, Vic.

Habitat: Lives in the intertidal and shallow subtidal in seagrass beds and sandy situations.

Comparison: This is the largest and most robust species of the family in NSW.

Fig. 1: Twofold Bay, NSW (C.049913)

Fig. 2: Hinge detail. Same specimen as Fig. 1.


Copyright Des Beechey 2025