consetti (Iredale,
Shell of 7 adult whorls. Whorls angled; early spire whorls with axial
folds, which become peripheral nodules on later whorls. Spiral sculpture
of one or two strong, nodulose ribs at the periphery, with, on the spire
whorls, two weaker ribs below, with a secondary rib between each; above
the peripheral ribs, 2 or 3 primaries with one or two secondaries
between each. On the body whorl, spiral ribs extend to the base of the
canal, about 10-11 occurring between periphery and tip of canal. Outer
lip lirate to deep within the aperture in mature shells, columella
thinly glazed and smooth except for underlying sculpture. Anterior canal
long, curved. Colour fawn, with red-brown spots between the nodules on
the peripheral ribs, sometimes with indistinct red-brown axial lines.
Covered with a thin, brown periostracum when alive.
Up to 50 mm in length.
Endemic to Australia; Woolgoolga to Jervis Bay, NSW.
Subtidal, and possibly intertidal, down to at least 66 m. Rare.
Fig. 1: Bulli Point, NSW (C.082151)