Gibberula agapeta (Watson, 1886) Diagnosis: Shell medium in size, opaque white; spire medium height, not immersed; outer lip thickened internally, strongly lirate within along the whole length with weaker lirae extending deep into the aperture; external varix absent; siphonal notch present ; posterior notch present but weak; columella multiplicate with total of 3-5 plaits/lirae. Size: Up to 8 mm in length. Distribution:
This is the largest species in the family in NSW, and readily
identified by its large size and lirate outer lip.
G. subbulbosa is
smaller, and common as a beach shell and in shallower water.
Synonymy: Laseron named a specimen with five columellar plaits, rather than the three as in the holotype of G. agapeta, as M. quinqueplicata Laseron 1948. That name was preoccupied, and he later provided a replacement name of Kogomea royana Laseron, 1957. He also named Marginella punicea Laseron, 1948, based on less strongly shouldered specimens of G. agapeta (Hewish in Wilson, 1994). Fig. 1: Twofold Bay, NSW, in 5 fathoms; syntype of Kogomea royana Laseron, 1957 (C.103382) Fig. 2: Jervis Bay, NSW, in 15 fathoms; syntype of Marginella punicea Laseron, 1948 (C.103367) |
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