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Babelomurex nakamigawai (Kuroda, 1959) Description: Whorls angled, keeled, with about 13 hollow, upturned spines on the keel. Whole surface covered with alternating large and small spiral rows of semi-tubular scales, about 12 on body whorl and base. Anterior canal moderately long, slightly recurved. Outer lip crenulated by the external sculpture; columella smooth. Umbilicus widely open, bordered by a scaled anterior fasciole. Colour white. Size: Length up to 62 mm. Distribution: Japan, South China Sea, Philippines, Australia. In Australia, known only from specimens off Brisbane and off the Clarence R., NSW, at 450-550 m. Habitat: Deep water. Rare in Australia. Comparison: Differs from Babelomurex lischkeana in having about 13 shoulder spines, which are coarser and wider than the 20-30 of that species. Fig. 1,2: ENE of Clarence River, NSW, in 457 m (C.101625) |
Copyright Des Beechey 2000. Corrected 2016