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Chama asperella Lamarck, 1819

Description: Shell solid and heavy, fixed to substrate, usually eroded or encrusted. Shape of lower valve cupped, shaped to conform to substrate, upper valve slightly convex. Exterior of both valves with dense lamellae bearing short, open-fronted spines. Interior white, smooth, with two large muscle scars; margin very finely denticulate around whole circumference of both valves. Hinge strong, with two ridges on lower valve, one on upper valve. Shell colour white, umbo often pink.

Size: Up to 45 mm in upper valve diameter.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. In Australia, from central WA around northern Australia to Shellharbour, NSW.

Habitat: Lives on rocky or coral shores, at low tide level and below.

Synonymy: Chama fibula Reeve, 1846 and Chama jukesii Reeve, 1848 are synonyms used in Australian literature.

Fig. 1: Gloucester Passage, Qld (C.303515)


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